Site icon RECONQUEST, with Brother André Marie

The Pilgrimage for Restoration: September 22-25, 2010, Aureisville, New York

Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of the North American Martyrs (St. Isaac Jogues & Companions) Auriesville, New York.

The dates for this year’s Pilgrimage for Restoration are September 22-25, 2010. I cannot recommend this wonderful event more strongly. Our religious go to it every year, bringing two brigades of pilgrims from Saint Benedict Center. But it is not our event. It is sponsored by the National Coalition of Clergy and Laity, and traditional Catholics from parishes and chapels all across the country come to it.

To make the pilgrimage with either of the SBC-sponsored brigades — Saint Joseph’s for men and boys, and IHM for single ladies and girls — please contact us.

Why should you go? You may be wondering why you should spend time, effort, and, yes, a little money going to such a thing. After all, the economy is bad and things are very tight. To my thinking, this is all the more reason to go. Our country is suffering economically and morally. When the going gets tough, the spiritually tough get going — traditionally, they go on pilgrimages. Think of it as an Old-World solution to our New-World problems. If we want to establish Christendom in America (again), we should act like Christendom-dwellers acted. Pilgrimages were part of the package.

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